Mimi Na WeweYouth SACCO.
The Mimi Na Wewe Youth Sacco is an initiative of Alternatives Africa (Alternatives). The aim of the Sacco is to promote and facilitate the development of youth-friendly innovative, broad reaching, cost effective and convenient financial infrastructure to ease youth access to affordable financial services. The Sacco targets to reach a large number of the country’s economically active youth with the goal of eventually reducing the number of youth without access to formal financial services.
Vision: To contribute towards socio-economic development for national transformation
Mission: To provide youth-friendly financial services to economically active youth.
To promote economic interest of its members through a free association of people who save and lend money to one another.
To encourage among its members the spirit and practice of mutual help and self-help in accordance with co-operative principles to achieve common socio-economic development goals.
To enhance the mobilization of personal saving to increase domestic capital formation.
To cooperate with registered societies and other profit and non-profit organization working towards achieving economic and social development in Kenya
This will provide the youth with a safe place to save as well as appropriately structured products and services associated with innovation, job creation and the socio-economic growth and development of MSMEs vital for sustainable livelihoods and a prosperous resilient economy for the achievement of Kenya’s Vision 2030. The Sacco will therefore enable young Kenyans to:
Secure and increase their income
Pursue avenues for the pooling of information and productive resources
Expansion and access to new markets;
Embrace a work ethic characterized by self-motivation; that inspires young people to own their success;
Cultivate hope and self-confidence through individual and team achievements;
Develop management & leadership skills for socio-economic prosperity at community, county & country level;
Strengthen and expand business and professional networks
The Sacco’s financial components are complimented with training on life/entrepreneurial skills development and micro/macro-economic environments, business/career mentorship and exchange programmes expected to assist the youth to overcome many of the business constraints they face and empower them to make their own economic decisions.